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1. "I don't know who you are, but I won't let anyone touch my woman!" - "我不知道你是谁,但我绝不会让任何人碰我的女人!"

2. "If I'm not for myself, then who will be for me?" - "如果我不为自己着想,那么谁会为我着想?"

3. "You can't buy the moon without a lot of money." - "没有大把的钱,你买不到月亮。"

4. "I'm going to the West to seek the Scriptures, but I won't go on a suicidal mission." - "我要去西天取经,但我不会做自杀性任务。"

5. "A heart of stone can be softened by true love." - "真爱可以化解冰封的心。"

6. "Being conceited and arrogant will bring you nothing but shame." - "傲慢和自大只会给你带来羞耻。"

7. "Love is a sweet and sour dish, sometimes bitter, sometimes spicy." - "爱情就像一道甜酸苦辣的菜,有时苦,有时辣。"

8. "A man without any money is like a tree without any leaves." - "没钱的男人就像没叶子的树。"

9. "If you have faith, miracles will happen." - "如果你有信念,奇迹就会发生。"

10. "The journey to the West is long and dangerous, but with friends by your side, you'll overcome any obstacles." - "西行的道路漫漫且充满危险,但有朋友相伴,你将克服所有的难关。"


