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教案一:Unit 1 Hello!


1. 学习基本的问候语并能正确使用。

2. 能够介绍自己的姓名、年龄、国籍等个人信息。

3. 能够询问他人的基本信息并进行简单的交流。


1. hello(你好)

2. I'm(我是)

3. name(名字)

4. my(我的)

5. age(年龄)

6. old(岁)

7. country(国家)


Step 1: Lead-in(导入)

1. Greet the students and introduce yourself using the target language, e.g. "Hello, I'm Teacher Emily."

2. Have the students greet each other in English, e.g. "Hello, what's your name?"

Step 2: Presentation(呈现)

1. Teach the word "hello" through gestures and repetition.

2. Introduce the structure "I'm + name" and give examples using names of students in the class.

3. Introduce the word "my" and how it is used to show ownership, e.g. "my name"、"my age".

4. Teach numbers 1-10 and demonstrate how to say one's age using the structure "I'm + number + years old".

5. Introduce the word "country" and teach the question "Where are you from?" and the response "I'm from + country".

Step 3: Practice(练习)

1. Have the students practice introducing themselves in pairs using the structures and vocabulary introduced.

2. Conduct role plays where one student asks about the other's name, age, and country, and the other student responds.

3. Play a game of "Find Your Partner" where students walk around and ask each other questions to find someone with the same age or from the same country.

Step 4: Production(实践)

1. Have the students create mini posters introducing themselves using the target language, including their name, age, and country.

2. Ask volunteers to present their posters to the class and encourage other students to ask questions based on the information provided.

Step 5: Conclusion(总结)

1. Review the key vocabulary and structures learned in the lesson.

2. Encourage the students to use the target language in everyday situations.

3. Assign homework to reinforce the concepts learned, such as writing a short paragraph about themselves using the target language.

教案二:Unit 2 This is my sister.


1. 学习家庭成员的称呼,并能正确使用。

2. 能够介绍自己的家庭成员并描述他们的外貌特征。

3. 能够询问他人的家庭情况并进行简单的交流。


1. family(家庭)

2. mother(母亲)

3. father(父亲)

4. sister(姐妹)

5. brother(兄弟)

6. son(儿子)

7. daughter(女儿)

8. beautiful(美丽的)

9. tall(高的)

10. short(矮的)


Step 1: Lead-in(导入)

1. Review the previous lesson by asking students to greet each other and introduce themselves again.

2. Show pictures of your own family members and introduce their names and relationships in English.

Step 2: Presentation(呈现)

1. Teach the words for different family members using flashcards and gestures, e.g. "mother", "father", "sister".

2. Demonstrate how to use possessive pronouns, e.g. "This is my sister."

3. Teach adjectives to describe appearance, such as "beautiful", "tall" and "short", and provide examples using family members.

Step 3: Practice(练习)

1. Have students work in pairs and take turns introducing their own family members using the target language.

2. Conduct role plays where students ask each other about their family members' names and appearances, and respond accordingly.

Step 4: Production(实践)

1. Provide pictures of different families and have students describe the family members' appearances using the target language.

2. Have students draw their own family tree and label each family member with their name and appearance description.

Step 5: Conclusion(总结)

1. Review the key vocabulary and structures learned in the lesson.

2. Encourage students to practice using the target language when talking about their own families at home.

3. Assign homework to reinforce the concepts learned, such as writing a short paragraph about their own family using the target language.


