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A: Hey, what's been bothering you lately? You seem worried.

B: Yeah, I've been feeling really anxious about my upcoming job interview. I can't stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

A: I understand how you feel. It's natural to have some worry and fear when facing something important like a job interview. But try not to let it consume you.

B: Easier said than done. I can't help but imagine all the worst-case scenarios in my head.

A: Instead of focusing on the negative outcomes, why not shift your perspective? Think about all the potential opportunities this job could bring you.

B: That's a good point. I should remind myself of why I applied for this position in the first place and all the skills and qualifications I have.

A: Exactly! Remember, worrying won't change the outcome. But preparing and doing your best will increase your chances of success.

B: You're right. I need to channel this fear into motivation and use it to push myself to be more prepared.

A: That's the spirit! Just take it one step at a time. Preparation is key, but don't forget to also take care of yourself and manage your stress.

B: Thanks for the advice. I feel a bit better now. I'll work on staying positive and focused.

A: No problem, anytime! Believe in yourself, and remember that you've got this. Good luck with the interview!

B: Thank you! I'll do my best.


