首页 > 英语资料 > 英语口语 > 情景对话 > 2023出国旅游英语口语




1. 问候和问好

- Hello! How are you?

- Hi! Nice to meet you.

- Good morning/afternoon/evening!

2. 自我介绍

- My name is [Name]. I'm from [Country].

- I'm a student/work as [Occupation].

- I'm here on vacation/to explore the country.

3. 询问相关信息

- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to [place]?

- Where is the nearest restaurant/hotel/museum?

- What is the best way to travel around the city?

4. 寻求帮助

- Can you help me with my luggage?

- I've lost my wallet/phone. Can you assist me?

- I don't speak [language]. Do you speak English?

5. 订购食物和饮品

- I would like to order [dish/drink].

- Can you recommend a local specialty?

- Is there a vegetarian option on the menu?

6. 购物

- How much does this cost?

- Do you have it in a different size/color?

- Can I get a discount?

7. 参观景点和交流经验

- The view here is amazing!

- Have you been to [place]? Can you give me some tips?

- What was your favorite part of visiting [city/country]?

8. 请求照相

- Excuse me, could you take a photo for us?

- Would you mind taking a picture together?

- Can you help me take a picture with the landmark?

9. 表达喜好和感谢

- I really enjoyed the food/culture here.

- Thank you for your hospitality.

- I had a great time. Thank you!

10. 遇到问题时寻求帮助

- Excuse me, I think there's a problem with my reservation.

- Can you help me find a doctor/interpreter?

- I missed my flight, what should I do?



