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 During the National Day holiday, I have a plan to spend my time meaningfully. On the first day, I will join a group tour to a historical site to learn about our country's rich history and culture. The second day will be dedicated to visiting my grandparents and spending quality time with them. I will also take this opportunity to cook dinner for them as a way to express my love and gratitude.

On the third day, I plan to go hiking with my friends in a beautiful scenic spot. We will enjoy the fresh air, beautiful landscapes, and capture unforgettable memories together. The fourth day will be spent volunteering at a local orphanage, where I will spend time with the children, play games, and share stories with them.

The last two days of the holiday, I will catch up on my rest and relaxation at home, watching movies, reading books, and enjoying peaceful moments alone. Overall, I hope to create lasting memories and feel closer to my family and friends during this holiday.


